Wednesday is the one year anniversary for Bradley coming home from the hospital.
These last two months, have been full of memories,
of a time last year, that was SOoooOOOooo incredibly hard!
It was a storm in my life for sure.
And I had an umbrella the entire time.
And that umbrella was my faith.
Someone recently asked if I'd speak in a youth fireside, about Bradley and faith.
And I've been thinking about where my faith has come from.
Part of me would like to attribute it to my parents.
They are normal people with faith themselves.
They took me to church, the whole time I was a kid.
And they were never abusive about shoving the gospel down my throat.
They were imperfect and normal people who tried to do their best.
And they DID do a great job with their kids.
All of us six kids still have faith in a God we have never seen.
In a world where faith is being attacked and people need evidence of things before they believe,
I would like to say that I believe, because I do.
I believe in EVERYTHING The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints claims.
I know Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. The Book of Mormon. The Priesthood.
And I've been thinking about how I KNOW this.
And I've been thinking about the time Bradley was in Intensive Care.
Near death.
Unsure of why his body was shutting down. I WAS SURE, he was sealed to me forever.
I FELT the spirit confirm that over and over again.
And I knew we would see eachother again.
Because Tom and I had been sealed in the Temple.
Those memories of us looking at each other across the altar,
gave me so much comfort as the surgeon told us our son had a
VERY HIGH chance of bleeding to death and dying.
The spirit witnessed that we WOULD be together FOREVER, no matter what!
I read my patriartical blessing everyday that Bradley was in the hospital and
I understood that it's foresight was coming to fruition.
How would that patriarch have known that I would have trials with my child's mortality?
He couldn't have.
He was blessed by the spirit to know that.
I am not perfect. I'm very imperfect.
But I try.
I go to church.
I have faith in things I have never seen.
And I have been blessed with the spirit of comfort in my darkest hours.
None of us know the storms that lie ahead.
All we can do is work to get our umbreallas ready.
And I promise you, if you have your umbrella of faith, you will be able to weather ANY storm.