This week was a trial.
Most mornings I woke overwhelmed by the day.
Bradley's care involves SO much work.
He requires SO much time and attention.
AND he is my fourth.
And I worry SO much about the future!
And I SO BADLY want the body I had planned on Bradley having.
All of these feelings are from Satan.
He wants to discourage me.
He wants to mess me up.
He wants me to focus on what I don't have!
I'm CHOOSING to focus on what I DO HAVE!
I am so grateful for HOPE!
I am so grateful for BLESSINGS!
I am so grateful for the ATONEMENT!
I am so grateful for FRIENDSHIP!
I am so grateful for BRADLEY!
I am so grateful for INSURANCE!
I am so grateful for DOCTORS!
I am so grateful for the G-TUBE!
I am so grateful for CALCIUM!
I am so grateful for THERAPY!
I am so grateful for RICE CEREAL!
I am so grateful for FAMILY!
I am so grateful for STRENGTH!
I am so grateful for PRAYER!
I am so grateful for CHILDREN!
I am so grateful for JESUS!
And as a good friend told me this afternoon:
And I don't know the EXACT reason why God sent me Bradley.
I don't know if I ever will.
But this is a great quote to end with:
“Don’t vex your mind by trying to explain the suffering you have to endure in this life.
Don’t think that God is punishing you or disciplining you or that he has rejected you.
Even in the midst of your suffering, you are in his kingdom.
You are always his child, and he has his protecting arms around you.
Does a child understand everything his father does?
No, but he can confidently nestle in his father’s arms and feel perfect happiness,
even while tears glisten in his eyes, because he is his father’s child.”
-Dr. Albert Schweitzer